Filmhandlung und Hintergrund Psychothriller mit Russell Crowe als brutaler Fremder auf den Fersen einer Mutter
Für Rachel (Caren Pistorius) ist es zunächst ein Tag wie jeder andere. Mit der Zeit im Nacken steckt sie im täglichen Verkehrsstau fest, als sie ihren Sohn Kyle (Gabriel Bateman) zur Schule bringt. Zeitgleich erhält sie einen Anruf, in der ihr wichtigster Klient kündigt. Genervt steht sie an einer Ampel, die auf grün schaltet, die der Fahrer (Russell Crowe) vor ihr konsequent ignoriert. Mit einem Hupkonzert rast sie an ihm vorbei, nur um den Fahrer kurze Zeit später im nächsten Stau erneut anzutreffen.
Obwohl der Fahrer nach einer Entschuldigung bittet, sieht sich Rachel im Recht und schlägt diese vehement aus. Ein Fehler, wie sie schon bald auf schmerzliche Weise bemerkt. Der Autofahrer lässt an Rachel seine geballte Wut aus – er selbst hat nichts zu verlieren. Er will ihr eine Reihe an Lektionen erteilen, die sie so schnell nicht mehr vergisst und beginnt ein gefährliches Katz-und-Maus-Spiel mit ihr.
Im OV-Trailer lässt Russell Crowe seiner Wut freien Lauf
Quickly, Rachel finds herself and everybody she loves the target of a guy who feels undetectable and is seeking to make one last mark upon the world by teaching her a series of deadly lessons. What follows is a hazardous game of cat and mouse that shows you never ever understand who you're driving next to. See more 1 July 2020( USA) See more$ 33,000,000( approximated) See more on IMDbPro 91 min See complete technical specs. Somebody needs to go first. With some theaters beginning to reopen across America, a road-rage thriller starring Crowe entitled Unhinged( watch thetrailer above) will be the first major film released in theaters post-pandemic shutdown. Unhinged will open July 1 and comes from the independent production business Solstice Studios. The movie is billed as" a prompt mental thriller that checks out the delicate balance of a society pressed to the edge, taking something we have actually all knowledgeable roadway rage to an unforeseeable and terrifying conclusion. Quickly, Rachel finds herself and everybody she enjoys the target of a guy who chooses to make one last mark upon the world by teaching her a series of deadly lessons. What follows is a dangerous game of cat and mouse that shows you never understand just how close you are to somebody who will become unhinged." The relocation comes as some states such as Texas are granting theaters consent to reopen, but with a minimized capacity (unhinged russell crow). The studio's president and CEO, producer Mark Gill told Range: "If there are places where density is an aspect and theaters aren't open, that's all right. It may be that theaters are closed in New york city City or Chicago or San Francisco, but less populated cities and residential areas will be open and we expect there to be a lot of suppressed demand.
.. It may be bumpy at times, however many individuals are taking steps todo this safely (unhinged in hollywood)." The second major release pertaining to theaters Christopher Nolan's maybe-it's- about-time-travel thriller Tenet, which opens two weeks after Unhinged on July 17, though it's not particular if that release date will be kept at this time. If you feel like being transported.

back in time to a hazy, lazy summer season day in the '90s when you would go to a multiplex midday to see a gloriously '90s thriller just to sit in anair-conditioned theater for 2 hours, and after that emerge and stumble around blinded by sunshine for about 10 minutes because it was still 3 p - unhinged hands.m., one upcoming film might just do the trick.
„Unhinged – Außer Kontrolle“ – Hintergründe In der Heldenrolle als „Gladiator“ gewann Russell Crowe seiner Zeit den Oscar. In „Unhinged – Außer Kontrolle“ zeigt er sich von seiner rüpelhaften Seite. Als gnadenloser Fremder lauert er im Thriller von Regisseur Derrick Borte einer Mutter und ihrem Sohn auf. Gespielt wird das Mutter-Sohn-Duo von Caren Pistorius („Mortal Engines“) und Gabriel Bateman („Annabelle“). In weiteren Rollen sind Jimmi Simpson („Westworld“) und Anne Leighton („Grimm“) zu sehen.
In Deutschland erscheint „Unhinged – Außer Kontrolle“ am 30. Juli 2020 in den wieder eröffneten deutschen Kinos. Ob der Psychothriller zudem zeitnah bei Streaming-Anbieter zur Verfügung steht, ist aktuell eher unwahrscheinlich. Eine Altersfreigabe wurde von der FSK noch nicht mitgeteilt. Man darf jedoch von einer FSK 16 oder sogar FSK 18 ausgehen. In den USA erhielt „Unhinged“ das R-Rating.
However the offer this kind of summer season film makes with you is that you know precisely what you're going to get: two hours of a/c, a stomach ache from the giant$ 7 soda and a nail-biter plot with some timeless scares. unhinged afk arena. The movie's facility appears extremely straightforward, in the exact same manner that or had extremely easy yet oddly engaging facilities, while also catering primal fears. It's the modern.
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bogeyman, called just" The Man" in the script, possibly straight from your repressed memories of also being alarmed by some other motorist years back. Even the Volvo is from the '90s, to add to the throwback feel of the rural thriller genre often connected with Life time Channel films where a female lead character is gone after by some psycho whom she needs to prevent for 2 hours. This material is imported from YouTube - unhinged russell crow.
You may have the ability to find the exact same material in another format, or you may be able to discover more information, at their web site. The film's tagline on the poster," He can occur to anybody ," highlights the element of suburban worry of some lunatic who took major issue with your driving following you. The trailer mean a backstory: Crowe's character is dealing with some individual trauma, and his actions against the lead characters seem to be randomly provoked, stimulated by a small horn-honking skirmish. Was he bitten by a bat, like Cujo? Are there components of intricacy to Crowe's character, or is he beyond redemption as this traffic bogeyman? Cujo, after all, was a good canine up until he was bitten by a bat and got rabies, as the book's epilogue told us. Solstice Studios Considering that the trailer reveals us the violence escalates, Mad Max-style, to a patrol car being ruined by a truck in the movie's trailer in some sort of chase, this appears not likely, and the normal fate of such bogeymen in made-for-TV scary movies is perhaps in store for him, as well.
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